Friday, February 10, 2012


Something silly my math teacher always does on Fridays is write the date as "Friyay" instead of "Friday". He knows a lot of us have checked out for the weekend and makes class fun.
Today's been a good day so far, I just watched the most recent episode of The Office which was really good. Hopefully I'll get finished with the majority of my homework in all my classes today and look forward to fun a weekend.

In other news Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I don't understand many people's animosity for the holiday. I see it as a day to express love for those people in your life who you love. Friends, families, etc. The holiday's connotations are certainly romantic, but that doesn't mean it can only be about expressing love for lovers.
For the fun of it I bought valentine grams to be sent to people on my floor, with little messages inside like "Oh baby I need you soooo bad, -your secret lover". They will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Included among the people I sent them to are guys that have girlfriends, so hopefully the confusion will add more to my fun. I'll update you when they are received, lol :)

But until then; Happy Friday!

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